The Skirt, acrylic & oil on wood, 40 x 40 cm, 2018

The View, oil & canvas, 185 x 140 cm, 2016

Little Shadow, acrylic & oil on canvas, 90 x 90 cm, 2020

The Skirt, acrylic & oil on cotton, 230 x 160 cm, 2017

Morning Elegance, acrylic & oil on canvas, 100 x 80 cm, 2015


"...I love to irritate... the otherwise so familiar blurs, the person is alienated and thus not readable. Only when the imperfect is achieved, a moment of disturbance is created, I have found the aesthetic visual language for me."
The focus of Mirjam Wingender's artistic work is on painting and collage. The often autobiographical motifs have their origin in staged photographs, which show people, especially women from their personal environment. These women take shape in head-and-shoulders portraits or full figures.
The drive is the desire to depict materiality; hair, fabrics, wrinkles and skin dominate the pictorial landscape. The design of the motifs always shows naturalistic or realistic parts of the picture. The goal is to find painted solutions that disrupt this "reality". Irritation can be created by the nature of the narrative or by applying direct painterly breaks. Faces prepared almost in fine painting are combined with elements of drawing; wrapped in fabric or hair. Figures sometimes appear fragmentary, incomplete or collaged. Always something strange resonates, sometimes the scenes seem humorous, sometimes contradictory and stimulate reflection.
Mirjam Wingender, born in Troisdorf in 1985, completed her studies in Fine Art at the Alanus University of Art and Society in Alfter near Bonn. Since 2009 she has been working as a freelance painter and cultural educator in the Cologne/Bonn and Lake Constance area. She is a studio member at Kunsthaus Troisdorf, part of the artist group Art7 and a member of BBK Bonn, Rhein-Sieg e.V..
Since 2008 exhibition activity in Germany and Austria:
Berchtoldvilla, Salzburg (Austria) // Galerie im Turm, Baden bei Wien (Austria) // Hafenkult, Duisburg // BIG Gallery, Dortmund // Zeche Zollverein, Essen // Künstlerforum, Bonn // Frauenmuseum, Bonn // Kraftwerk, Berlin // Weserrenaissance Schloss Beven, Holzminden // Museumsbibliothek, Museum Ludwig, Köln // Remise, Burg Wissem, Bilderbuchmuseum Troisdorf

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