Big Orange,  color photo prints on aluminium, 178 x 261 x1 cm, 2012

Deep Green, color photomontage,  40 x 154 cm, 2019 

Carte Blanche, color photo prints on aluminium, 172 x 168 x1 cm, 2019

Cocoon, drinking straws, 120 x 68 x 76 cm,  2018

Root plant, color photo on dibond, 84 x 120 cm, 2015


An unreal view of reality
Ute Bartel was born in Halle, Westphalia, Germany and lives and works in Cologne. In her art she deals with everyday themes by being interested in things in and of themselves, in their formal characteristics, such as their forms, colors, and structures.
In concrete confrontation with particular places and situations she is using analog and digital techniques of photography to create collages, objects, and works that project into the respective space, sometimes by dealing with everyday objects and materials like waxed tablecloths, straws or plastic bags. She is a photographer with the eye of a sculptor to “ennoble” everydays simplicity.
Ute Bartel studied at the Kunstakademie Münster, where she was a master student of Reiner Ruthenbeck.
Her view on everyday objects is highly inspired and often renewed by different residency awards and travels abroad e.g. to Indonesia, Brazil, the US and many countries in Europe.
Her works have been widely exhibited at, among others, Kunstvereine Speyer, Heinsberg and Münsterland, Deichtorhallen Hamburg, Stadtgalerie Kiel, Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven, Kunsthalle Wiesbaden, Augustinermuseum Freiburg and Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster.
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